Few Reasons to Go For Sex With Animals

Every living being has got a certain sex appetite as we humans have. Many Americans were interviewed and about 10 to 20 percent among them have revealed that they had sex with their pet animals. Also, many like to fantasize about having sex with an animal.
This behavior is not among the male population only, but equally with females too. Many have also claimed that they rather enjoy having sex with their pet dog. Quite a few have revealed that their pet dog also enjoys the act and often insists to go for sex.
Although animals cannot talk like we humans do but with their body language they can communicate their liking or disliking. If they don’t like to be used then they will clearly communicate to you that through their body language.
Often people visit the porn sites like Furaffinity and Dudethrill to get themselves sexually excited before going for sex with animals. Though in many countries, having sex with an animal is considered to be cruelity to animals and it is banned.
However, despite that many people both men and women like to enjoy sex with their pet animals and they regularly engage in such activities with them.
Let us explore few reasons why a human would like to choose any animal for sex.
No need to ask for their consent
Unlike humans, one need not obtain consent from pet animals for having sex as a pet dog or bitch will always be ready to please their owner.
Most animals will not resist
Unless there is a very strong reason a pet animal will generally not resist when its owner will engage with their genitals.
Animal sexual organs are equally attractive and active
Many people often find the sexual organ of their pet animal equally attractive for having sex and they prefer to engage in sex both with animals and humans.
Animals need not require any privacy
Humans will demand privacy during the sex act however, for pet animals that is not an issue at all.
Animals can offer a certain new experience
Having sex with an animal can always offer a new experience and sensation.
A certain musky smell is attractive
Surprisingly, 89 percent of participants reported that their animal partner’s attractiveness was influenced by a “musky odor.” But it’s not only that—it appears that the odor and appearance of their genitals, in particular, is the deciding factor. “The more hairy, wet, and smelly the animal is, the more appealing it is to zoo-sexuals,” the researcher found.
Some people enjoy violating social rules
But it’s not just about the senses. For many, the fact that having sex with animals breaches significant social rules and customs is part of the appeal. People are drawn to taboo activities in general (whether or not they include animals) because they add an added element of excitement and thrill.
To say it in other words, what makes animals sexually appealing to some individuals is the taboo aspect of the subject.